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What is a scar treatment cream?
A scar treatment cream fades scars, including those that are still in formation and scars that are well-established.
What is restless arm syndrome?
Restless arm syndrome refers to a specific and peculiar problem in the central nervous system that causes abnormal movements and sensations in the arms.
What is Turf Toe?
This injury occurs when the big toe is forced into an extreme position of hyperextension (where the toe moves back toward the top of the foot past its normal range of motion).
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Each of us has a unique body constitution, which is influenced by hereditary traits, environmental factors and lifestyle habits.
What is Elbow Annular Ligament Tear & Strain?
An injury or sprain in the annular ligament of your elbow can lead to complications in the joint function.
What is a sprained thumb?
A sprained thumb is a common cause of thumb injury, pain and swelling.
Brachialis strain pain physiotherapy
Brachialis strain or brachialis tear is a common injury that occurs when you overstretch or overwork the brachial muscle in the upper extremity.
Custom Made Hand Splints
Here at Phoenix Rehab, we only work with experienced, senior and passionate hand therapists who are well versed in the fabrication of customized hand splints for our patients.
Humerus Fracture Physiotherapy
A humerus (or humeral) fracture is refers to a break in the bone of the upper arm. The humerus bone is the long bone that is located between the shoulder and the elbow.