Physiotherapy for Knee Pain Articles
Case Study: Knee Pain Recovery Physio of Mrs A
Case Study: Mrs. A's Journey to Knee Pain Recovery and Active Living with Phoenix Rehab
How to Recover from a Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
Recovering From and Preventing Repetitive Strain Injuries
Achilles Tendinitis Treatments: Comprehensive Guide
Physiotherapy For Slipped Disc Articles
Effective Treatments for Slipped Disc: A Comprehensive Guide
Understanding Slipped Disc Recovery: What to Expect
Cervical Herniated Disc Relief: Understanding Causes and Treatments
Sleeping Positions for Slipped Disc Relief: Minimizing Discomfort
Hand Therapy Articles
Muenster Splint versus Sugar Tong Splint
The Muenster splint and the Sugar Tong splint are two very important splints that help prevent full wrist / forearm rotation (pronation and supination).
Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) Wrist Injuries
Our triangular fibrocartilage complex (or TFCC / TFC, for short), refers to a very complex cartilage structure that's located at the wrist area that's close to your little finger.
De quervain's tenosynovitis
De Quervain's tenosynovitis is also commonly known as washerwoman's sprain, mummy thumb, or blackberry thumb.
Radial nerve palsy hand therapy
What is radial nerve palsy hand therapy?
Alternative Articles
Manual lymphatic drainage therapy
Manual lymphatic drainage therapy is a form of massage that facilitates and accelerates natural lymphatic circulation through our entire body.
Flexibility and stretch physiotherapy
If you improve your flexibility and stretching ability, you will improve your strength, balance, stability and more.
Craniosacral Therapy Singapore
Cranial Sacral Therapy is a soft and gentle, but powerful, healing technique that deals with important mechanics in our body and head.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment Articles
Acupuncture is a very common Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment in Singapore (as well as Asia, particularly China and Japan).
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Each of us has a unique body constitution, which is influenced by hereditary traits, environmental factors and lifestyle habits.
Rehab Articles
Spinal decompression traction therapy
Spinal decompression traction therapy refers to a computerized, safe, accurate and gradual method of providing decompressive traction forces to your back for pain relief.
Custom Pain-relief Insoles (Singapore)
Revolutionary custom orthotics 3D printed orthotic insoles to fit your feet perfectly to relieve foot and joint pain and prevent future biomechanical issues.
Ultrasound physiotherapy
Ultrasound can help accelerate both soft tissue and hard tissue healing
Extracorporal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT)
Shockwave therapy treatment is non-invasive and produces an inflammatory response, which will increase metabolic activity around the site of pain.
Physiotherapy For Lower Back Pain Articles
Easing Lower Back Discomfort After Sleep
Easing Lower Back Discomfort After Sleep
Managing Back Pain After Running: Tips for Recovery and Prevention
Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain: Rehabilitation Techniques
Physiotherapy For Shoulder Pain Articles
Optimal Sleeping Positions for Frozen Shoulder Relief
Top Exercises for Shoulder Pain Management and Prevention
Finding Shoulder Blade Pain Relief: Strategies and Exercises
Comprehensive Shoulder Pain Diagnosis Chart
Physiotherapy for Back Pain Articles
Physiotherapy For Upper Back Pain
Strategies for Back Pain When Lying Down: Best Comfortable Positions
Natural Home Remedies for Back Pain: Effective Solutions for Relief
Rise Without Pain: Tackling Upper Back Discomfort in the Morning
To view all articles, browse our entire article index here.
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Singapore's most experienced and trustworthy physio and hand therapy specialists who are dedicated experts in diagnosing and treating pain and injuries in bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints.