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Extensor tendon injury hand therapy
Our extensor tendons are located on the back side of the hand, and are visible especially when the fingers are clawed.
Ultimate Guide on Ankle Injury or Ankle Sprain Physiotherapy
Does it seem as though you always tend to roll the same ankle and it seems looser than the other? Ever wondered if perhaps there is a way to change that?
Physiotherapy and rehab with Phoenix may be covered by your health insurance
Understand and know your physio rehab coverage
Upper arm pain physiotherapy
Upper arm pain refers to pain that is felt anywhere from just below the shoulder joint to just above the elbow (the entire upper arm area).
Spinal pain physiotherapy
Up to six out of ten adults suffer from spinal pain every year.
Avulsion fractures of the olecranon
Avulsion olecranon fractures typically occur with elbow disorders and they are often regarded as extra-articular fractures.
Collar bone pain physiotherapy
Collar bone (medically termed as "clavicle") pain is a common problem and can be caused and aggravated by a number of different problems.
Shoulder dislocation and subluxation physiotherapy
Shoulder dislocation and subluxation injuries refers to injuries where the humeral bone (the single long bone of your arm) dislocates or subluxes out of its socket.
Locking knee physiotherapy
‘Locking knee’ is a fairly common complaint by athletes who have twisted their knees in sports like basketball, netball, soccer or badminton.
Brachial neuritis physiotherapy
Brachial neuritis refers to a rare condition where there is inflammation of the group of nerves that control our shoulder, arm and hand, collectively known as the brachial plexus.
Radio-humeral joint synovitis elbow pain physiotherapy
What is radiohumeral synovitis?
Sacroiliitis and SI joint pain
Painful inflammation of our sacro-iliac joint can be a symptom of a range of inflammatory conditions.