Physiotherapy For Slipped Disc

Our Slipped Disc Physiotherapy Will Make Your Spine Be In Shape

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At Phoenix Rehab, we prioritise your spinal health and well-being. Our dedicated multidisciplinary team of experienced healthcare professionals is here to provide you with comprehensive care and personalised treatment for your slipped disc.

With our expertise and state-of-the-art facilities, we aim to alleviate your pain, improve your mobility, and enhance your overall quality of life. Our physiotherapy programs are designed to address your specific needs and support your recovery journey. Take the first step towards a pain-free life by exploring the benefits of slipped disc physiotherapy with us.

Contact us today and book your appointment with our skilled physiotherapists. Let's guide you towards a pain-free life and empower you to regain your mobility and strength. Don't let a slipped disc hold you back any longer -- reach out now and let us be your partner in your journey to optimal spinal health.



Herniated Disk

A herniated disk occurs when a single strain or injury is caused by the natural degenerative process of the disc material. In this condition, the dislocated intervertebral disc places pressure on nerves, causing pain, numbness, or weakness. It's more common in the lower back (lumbar disc herniation) but can also occur in the neck (cervical disc herniation).
Anatomically, the intervertebral disc consists of the nucleus pulposus, the inner core, which is a gel-like substance located in the centre of the intervertebral disc that serves as a shock absorber and cushion to the spine, and the annulus fibrosus, the outer layer.
Slipped disks can be caused when the nucleus pulposus protrudes through the outer layer, called the annulus fibrosus.

Disc Protrusion

Disc protrusion, also known as a bulging disc, occurs when one of the discs in the spinal cord forms a pouch that presses against the nerves. This can happen when the outer layer of the disc weakens or tears, allowing the inner core to bulge out of its normal position.
Disc protrusion commonly causes symptoms such as pain, numbness, and weakness in the affected area. It can also lead to sciatica muscle spasm, characterised by leg pain. In severe cases, disc protrusion may also cause loss of bladder or bowel control, although this is rare.

Disc Extrusion

Disc extrusion is a type of spinal disc herniation where the disc material extends beyond the normal confines of the disc space. It occurs when the nucleus pulposus material, the gel-like centre of the disc, breaks through the outer layer of the disc called the annulus fibrosus and moves into the spinal canal.
In comparison, disc protrusion is a less severe form of herniation where the nucleus pulposus material bulges out but does not extend into the spinal canal. While both conditions can cause symptoms such as pain, numbness, and weakness, disc extrusion has a higher risk of nerve compression and may require more intensive treatment.

Sequestered Herniation

Sequestered herniation, also known as a sequestered disc or free fragment, occurs when a piece of a herniated disc breaks off from the main structure and can move to a different level of the spine. This condition can cause symptoms such as pain, weakness, numbness, and tingling due to the pressure exerted on nerves and the spinal cord.


Myelopathy is a condition characterised by an injury to the spinal cord caused by severe compression, which can result from spinal stenosis, disc degeneration, disc herniation, autoimmune disorders or other conditions.
It's often associated with symptoms such as neck pain or stiffness, referred pain, loss of balance, and trouble walking. In some cases, a pinched nerve may also be present, which can further lead to weakness, numbness, and tingling sensations in the arms and legs.
It's important to note that myelopathy can lead to further injury if left untreated, and other symptoms, such as problems with fine motor skills and sensory loss, may also be present. So, since prevention is always better than cure, it's best to seek medical intervention as early as possible for your back pain which may be caused by a bulging disc, and to avoid the need for a surgical treatment.




Phoenix Rehab places utmost importance on establishing a serene and patient-centric atmosphere where your needs and well-being are our top priorities. We're dedicated to collaborating with you to effectively address your symptoms and concerns, ensuring that you have a comprehensive understanding of your condition before embarking on any treatment.

Our primary goal is to empower you to make informed decisions about your healthcare. During our consultations, we strive to foster trust and open communication, creating a comfortable environment where you can freely express yourself.

We also firmly believe that when dealing with all kinds of pain, especially chronic pain, it's essential to have a knowledgeable and experienced healthcare professional who also makes you feel at ease. So, we make sure that our highly qualified team is always well-equipped with healthcare knowledge and training.



During the consultation, our back pain physiotherapy expert at Phoenix Rehab will take the time to review your medical history thoroughly. This comprehensive evaluation will involve gathering information about your past medical conditions, surgical history, family medical history, allergies, and medications to identify potential risk factors that may point out the root cause of your herniated disc pain.

To ensure the most effective care, it's also recommended that you bring any medical reports or referral forms relevant to your condition. This additional information can provide valuable insights and assist the specialist in making an accurate diagnosis and developing a personalised treatment program.



After thoroughly reviewing your case, our team at Phoenix Rehab will proceed with clinical tests and physical assessments to gain a better understanding of the severity of your condition and to complement what we know of your condition based on the previous findings. Ultimately, this enables us to tailor a treatment plan that meets your specific needs and health goals.

Our physical therapists may perform a complete physical examination with a focus on the areas possibly affected by herniated discs, performing tests like the straight leg raise test, a diagnostic test that can help determine muscle and nerve function and can identify disc prolapse in the lumbar spine or even lumbosacral nerve irritation.

At Phoenix Rehab, we guarantee that the well-being and safety of our patients are our top priorities, so we make sure not to involve physical therapy assistants at any stage of the pain relief sessions. This approach guarantees that you receive the individualised care you deserve, tailored specifically to your needs.



At Phoenix Rehab, we aim to provide you with prompt relief from your back pain, helping you regain comfort and functionality in your daily life while minimising your reliance on muscle relaxants or pain relief medications whenever possible.

During your sessions, we will prioritise physical therapy as an integral part of your treatment plan, ensuring that you receive both back pain treatment and therapy within the same session.

Similarly, our expert spinal physiotherapists will closely monitor your progress during each follow-up session. This regular observation allows us to track your recovery journey and make necessary adjustments to the intensity and focus of our treatments, ensuring that you receive the most effective care and support throughout your rehabilitation process.




Physiotherapy is a branch of healthcare that focuses on restoring and maintaining physical function and mobility. Physiotherapy employs a range of techniques, exercises, and manual therapies to alleviate pain, enhance movement, and promote overall well-being.

Physiotherapy can be highly beneficial for individuals with a herniated disc. It aims to reduce pain, improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, and enhance overall spinal health.

Physical therapists design personalised treatment programs to address the specific needs of each patient. These programs may include exercises to improve core strength and stability, manual therapies to relieve pain and restore mobility, and postural education to promote proper spinal alignment.


At Phoenix Rehab, we believe that consulting with a healthcare professional is essential to determine the most suitable treatment approach for an individual's herniated disc. We also strive to avoid resorting to surgical intervention and help our patients relieve pressure and pain in their spine through conservative treatment as much as possible.

This usually involves nonprescription pain medication such as acetaminophen or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Exercise, relaxation techniques, and finding a comfortable position can also help alleviate back pain. Manual physical therapy may also be recommended as part of conservative treatment.


Poor posture is a known risk factor for herniated discs, and correcting it can help with the recovery process. Physical therapists can design personalised treatment programs to help people regain normal movement and reduce pain.

If our physical therapist at Phoenix Rehab finds that improper posture has contributed to your herniated disc, they will teach you how to improve your posture to reduce stress on the spinal column.


An exercise program can be beneficial in managing a herniated disc. It helps by reducing pain, improving flexibility, strengthening muscles, and enhancing overall spinal health. Gentle exercises, such as swimming, partial crunches, and press-up back, can be effective at the beginning of the treatment.

For lower back herniated discs, exercises like partial crunches, hamstring stretches, and wall sits are recommended, while for neck and upper back herniated discs, exercises like neck stretches, chin tucks, and scapular retractions are recommended. It's important to start with gentle exercises and gradually increase intensity as the pain lessens and the back heals. Check out our lower back pain physiotherapy services for more.


Post-treatment education helps individuals understand their condition, learn about proper body mechanics and ergonomics, and adopt lifestyle modifications to prevent future disc injuries. Education can provide information on exercises and stretches that can help strengthen the core muscles, improve posture, and reduce the risk of re-injury. It also helps individuals recognise the warning signs and symptoms of a herniated disc, enabling them to seek timely medical attention.


What our patients say

Don't let back pain affect you any more!

Banish chronic discomfort and take the first step towards a happier, healthier life with our physiotherapy.

Our certified physical therapists are trained to provide customized treatments tailored to each individual's needs.

Don't just take our word for it. Experience the results yourself when you book an appointment with us!

Learn More About Physical Therapy for Back Pain

We are a bone, muscle, joint, tendon and ligament physiotherapy and hand therapy clinic in Singapore, operating in Novena and Tampines. We offer a unique integrated and multi-specialty approach to pain and injury rehabilitation with expert physiotherapy, hand therapy, TCM, massage, alternative therapies and rehabilitation technologies.

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