Physiotherapy For Upper Back Pain


At Phoenix Rehab, we aim to be your trusted destination to help relieve pain in any part of your body. We specialise in providing effective treatment procedures, such as physiotherapy for back pain, meant to reduce muscle tension and other possible causes of back pain.

Our dedicated team of experienced physiotherapists specialises in providing effective treatment for back pain, targeting the root cause to bring you lasting relief.

Whether you're dealing with chronic discomfort or a recent injury, our personalised approach ensures you receive the right care tailored to your unique needs. Don't let back pain hold you back any longer. Book your appointment today and take the first step towards a pain-free life.


At Phoenix Rehab, we offer comprehensive physiotherapy services to address a wide range of conditions and injuries. From back pain and sports injuries to post-surgical rehabilitation and musculoskeletal disorders, we are equipped to handle it all. Here are some of the specific conditions that we treat:

Muscle strain or injury

Muscle strain or injury refers to the tearing or overstretching of muscle fibres, often caused by sudden movements, lifting heavy objects, or repetitive motions. It can result in pain, inflammation, and limited mobility. Back pain physiotherapy, including physiotherapy for lower back pain, can help relieve pain associated with muscle strains by addressing the underlying causes.
In the case of an acute injury, physiotherapy focuses on reducing inflammation, promoting healing, and restoring range of motion through techniques such as ice therapy, ultrasound, and gentle exercises targeting the lower and upper back muscles.
Physiotherapy may also address any muscle imbalance contributing to back pain by improving posture, body mechanics, and core stability. Strengthening exercises are incorporated to enhance muscle strength and support the affected area, reducing the strain on the injured muscles.

Poor posture

Poor posture refers to the incorrect alignment or positioning of the body while sitting, standing, or performing activities. It can lead to muscle imbalances, increased strain on the spine, and, ultimately, back pain.
Back pain physiotherapy can help relieve pain associated with poor posture through various interventions.
One approach is through an ergonomic assessment, where a healthcare professional evaluates your work environment, posture, and body mechanics. They provide recommendations for adjustments and modifications to optimise your workspace and activities, reducing the strain on your back and promoting an overall good posture.
This may include adjusting chair height, monitoring position, and incorporating supportive devices like lumbar rolls or standing desks.


Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease characterised by the breakdown of cartilage in the joints. It commonly affects body weight-bearing joints such as the hips, knees, and spine, including the area around the shoulder blades and the lower back. Symptoms include pain, stiffness, and limited range of motion.
Back pain physiotherapy can help relieve pain associated with osteoarthritis by employing various strategies, which include patient education, manual therapy techniques, and different exercise techniques to help alleviate back pain, like dynamic stretches and static stretches.

Disc herniation

Disc herniation, also known as a slipped disc, occurs when the inner gel-like portion of a spinal disc protrudes through a tear in the outer layer of the disc. This displacement often causes pain, tingling, and numbness in the affected area.
Back pain physiotherapy can help relieve pain associated with disc herniation by reducing pressure on the spinal nerves, building strength, and increasing flexibility in the muscles that support the affected area of the spine.
Slipped disc physiotherapy focuses on specific exercises to relieve nerve pressure, core stabilisation exercises to stabilise the spine, aerobic conditioning for endurance, and stretching and manual work to improve flexibility.

Referred Pain

Referred pain is when pain originating from another area of the body is felt in the back. It often occurs due to a shared nerve pathway or referred pain patterns. One common example is a pain in the left shoulder or left arm that is referred from the trapezius muscles or other structures in the neck and shoulder region that can contribute to shoulder pain or neck pain.
Back pain physiotherapy can help relieve referred pain by addressing the underlying causes. A physiotherapist may use various techniques such as manual therapy, stretching, and strengthening exercises to alleviate tension and improve the function of the affected muscles, including the trapezius muscle

Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS)

Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) is a condition characterised by the presence of trigger points, which are tight bands of muscle fibres that can cause localised pain and referred pain in other areas of the body. These trigger points are often sensitive to touch and can result from muscle overuse, injury, or poor posture.
Back pain physiotherapy can help relieve pain associated with myofascial pain syndrome in several ways, including manual therapy techniques to address the tight knots in the affected muscles, exercises and stretches to improve muscle strength, flexibility, and posture, and education regarding lifestyle modification and on proper body mechanics and ergonomics.
Unsure if your problem can be solved with our back pain physiotherapy?
Contact us today if you are experiencing back pain so we can give you reliable advice.
Early assessment and treatment are key to addressing back pain, especially if you experience sudden pain in your back, progressively severe pain, or radiating leg pain.




During your initial consultation with us, our focus is on providing a relaxed and patient-centred environment.

We encourage open communication, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of your condition and the treatment options available to you. We take the time to answer any questions or concerns you may have, empowering you to make informed decisions about your treatment.



At Phoenix Rehab, we believe in a holistic approach to physiotherapy. This means that we not only focus on alleviating your current symptoms but also aim to address the root causes of your upper back pain.

During the in-depth review, our experienced physiotherapists will take the time to listen to your concerns and gather detailed information about your upper back pain. This includes a comprehensive analysis of your medical history, previous treatments, and any relevant lifestyle factors that may contribute to your condition.



The third step in our effective methodology focusing on upper back pain physiotherapy is a thorough assessment to identify the underlying causes and contributing factors. This may involve examining posture, range of motion, muscle strength, and joint mobility.

Based on the assessment, a personalised treatment plan will be created, which will be targeted to the patient's specific condition, ensuring an effective and suitable treatment.



During a treatment session at Phoenix Rehab, our priority is to provide you with personalised care and effective treatment for your upper back pain.

Throughout the session, our physiotherapists will closely monitor your progress, making any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan to ensure optimal results. We are committed to providing you with the highest level of care and support as we work together towards relieving your upper back pain and improving your overall well-being.



At Phoenix Rehab, our team of highly skilled therapists utilises a range of therapeutic interventions tailored to address the specific needs of individuals suffering from upper back pain. We offer a comprehensive approach that combines evidence-based techniques, hands-on treatments, and personalised exercise programs to provide effective relief and restore optimal function.


Upper back pain physiotherapy is a specialised branch of physiotherapy that focuses on diagnosing and treating pain and discomfort in the upper back region, including the shoulder blades, neck, and surrounding muscles. It aims to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and restore optimal function.

Physiotherapy interventions for upper back pain may include:

  • Manual therapy: This involves hands-on techniques such as mobilisations, manipulations, and soft tissue massage to improve joint mobility, reduce muscle tension, and alleviate pain.
  • Exercise therapy: Specific exercises are prescribed to strengthen the muscles of the upper back, improve posture, and enhance flexibility. These exercises may include stretching, strengthening, and stabilisation exercises.
  • Pain management techniques: Various modalities such as heat therapy, ice therapy, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound may be used to manage pain and promote healing.


Posture improvement refers to the conscious effort to maintain correct alignment and positioning of the body while sitting, standing, and moving. It involves maintaining a neutral spine, proper alignment of the shoulders, and balanced distribution of weight on the feet.

Posture improvement is closely related to upper back pain physiotherapy, as poor posture is often a contributing factor to upper back pain. Slouching, rounded shoulders, and forward head posture can put excessive strain on the muscles and structures of the upper back, leading to pain and discomfort.


Dry needling is a therapeutic technique used in physiotherapy to relieve muscle pain and tightness. It involves inserting thin needles into trigger points, which are knots or tight bands of muscle fibres that contribute to pain and dysfunction.

When combined with other physiotherapy techniques such as exercise, manual therapy, and postural correction, dry needling can be an effective component of upper back pain management. It helps target specific muscle imbalances and trigger points, providing localised relief and improving overall function.


Hydrotherapy refers to the therapeutic use of water in the treatment of various conditions, including upper back pain. It involves exercises and activities performed in a pool or underwater environment.

The resistance of water provides gentle resistance against the muscles, promoting strength and stability training. Water also offers a natural form of resistance that can help improve muscle strength and endurance without putting excessive strain on the upper back.

The warmth of the water can also help relax muscles, reduce muscle tension, and alleviate pain. It can also improve circulation and promote the healing process.


Post-treatment education is an important aspect of the holistic recovery of our patients who undergo upper back pain physiotherapy. In this therapeutic intervention, patients are provided with education on self-management strategies, including activity modification, stress reduction techniques, and ergonomic adjustments to prevent exacerbation of symptoms.


What our patients say

Don't let back pain affect you any more!

Banish chronic discomfort and take the first step towards a happier, healthier life with our physiotherapy.

Our certified physical therapists are trained to provide customized treatments tailored to each individual's needs.

Don't just take our word for it. Experience the results yourself when you book an appointment with us!

We are a bone, muscle, joint, tendon and ligament physiotherapy and hand therapy clinic in Singapore, operating in Novena and Tampines. We offer a unique integrated and multi-specialty approach to pain and injury rehabilitation with expert physiotherapy, hand therapy, TCM, massage, alternative therapies and rehabilitation technologies.

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